Koray Tahiroğlu
Sound and Physical Interaction Research Group
Aalto University, Finland
Morten Fjeld
t2i interaction lab
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
28 November 2013, Thursday
10:00 Design Lab PhD Student Presentations
11:30, Lunch
13:30 Koray Tahiroğlu: Physicality of Sound
Interaction becomes a puzzle in design practices when it isolates the user from physical reality, yet, it might not be misleading to mention that the recent demands for strong visual attention in design solutions make this puzzle even more challenging and difficult. The designing of interaction should look for new possibilities while providing a strong sense of physical engagement with digital artifacts. During the seminar, we will discuss the emerging role of sonic interaction in HCI field and present recent research projects introducing some opportunities and challenges in designing interactions with sound.
14:30 Morten Fjeld: Innovative User Interfaces, Some Experiences
The objective behind Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) is to allow users to interact with computers through familiar tangible objects, thereby taking advantage of the richness of the tactile world combined with the power of computer-based simulations. TUIs give physical form to digital information, employing physical artifacts both as representations and controls for computational media. They lend themselves well to collaboration around intelligent tables, or what we call tabletop interaction. At the t2i lab we are pushing the edge of interactive technology. Recently, the research group began work in the DIVA project which addresses the problem of interactive big data visualization.